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A few things that make the DryCASE the best waterproof phone bag

A few things that make the DryCASE the best waterproof phone bag

1. It’s got a crystal clear flexible membrane that lets you see your phone and take pictures at the same time.
2. The material is super durable for any water or beach activity.
3. The Waterproof Vacuum seal ensures that it will keep all water and sand out
4. It’s fully submersible in water
5. The attached pump floats so if you drop the DryCASE it’s not going anywhere (looks kinda like a crab pot buoy).
6. The stretchy neoprene extreme activity armband lets you participate in even the most rigorous activities.
7. The 3-way headphone jack with microphone capabilities lets you listen to music or take an important phone call and still be able to fully participate in the conversation!

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