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Blogs — waterproof

DryCASE Sponsors The National Pediatric Cancer Foundation's Fishing Tournament

DryCASE Sponsors The National Pediatric Cancer Foundation's Fishing Tournament

We cannot wait for this weekend. We have teamed up with the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation to provide bags for this year's tournament. We have donated over $25,000 to this wonderful foundation and we cannot

Will a DryCASE fit the newest iPhone X?

Will a DryCASE fit the newest iPhone X?

Its always exciting seeing the latest and greatest products that Apple is releasing, with the most recent being the iPhone 8 that was released earlier this week. With the new durable all-glass technology, a

DryCASE at ICAST 2017 BOOTH #327!

DryCASE at ICAST 2017 BOOTH #327!

DryCASE is super excited to be returning to ICAST this year! We have brand new items to show off and sell and deals you won't want to miss out on! This year 2017 show is

3 Ways To Use Our DryCase Waterproof Tech This Memorial Day

3 Ways To Use Our DryCase Waterproof Tech This Memorial Day

Don’t hit the water this weekend without some of our waterproof gear: This Memorial Day don't take a chance of ruining your gadgets by taking them out at the pool, lake, or beach unprotected. Pick