Blogs — waterproof phone case

Waterproof Products for Endurance Sports

Waterproof Products for Endurance Sports

DryCASE products are the perfect option for those living the endurance sports lifestyle. Whether it’s running a marathon, biking, or partaking in a triathlon – this line of products definitely comes in handy.   The

The best phone case for snow skiing and snowboarding

The best phone case for snow skiing and snowboarding

You’ve heard quite a few reasons from us by now about how perfect the DryCASE is for water activities – but what about winter sports? The DryCASE offers waterproof protection for phones and cameras while skiing and

DryCASE crew blows up iPhone 6 + inside of a DryCASE

DryCASE crew blows up iPhone 6 + inside of a DryCASE

Here at DryCASE, we always have to blow up the newest iPhone when it comes out. We put the iPhone 6+in a waterproof vacuum sealed DryCASE, place it inside of an aquarium, and blow the aquarium up. This

DryCASE: Waterproof Case for iPhone 6

DryCASE: Waterproof Case for iPhone 6

Swim, Surf or Scuba with the DryCASE waterproof case for iPhone 6. That’s right, we already have a waterproof case for the new iPhone 6! In case you’re not familiar, DryCASE is a flexible, crystal